Cellphone Health Study on Hold Part 3
3:00 AM | Author: Health and Fitnessa

http://www.emfnews.org/qlinks.html The reasons are "not sinister," he assured. "They have to do with facts and data that can legitimately be interpreted in different ways." Asked why Canada hasn't released an analysis of its own data as eight other countries have, Siemiatycki said it was agreed at the outset that Canada would release its study after Interphone is published. For this reason the Canadian data, while collected, has not yet been analyzed. "And doing so won't be a trivial task," he added. Australia and Israel have also not published their national Interphone results, but the scientists heading up each country's research have said publicly, including in interviews with the Star, that there are concerning patterns emerging for long-term use. It's part of the reason why Toronto Public Health and the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, in what some considered a controversial move, both recommended this summer that children minimize their use of cellphones and use headsets as a precaution. Blank isn't surprised there's a concern. "I think there's going to be a building up of momentum," he said. http://www.emfnews.org

Author: video4leads
Keywords: dangers of cell towers airtube headset bluetube phone radiation protection products tower mobile golf qlink safe emf
Added: January 16, 2009

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