Weight Loss - The benefits of Coconut Oil
2:52 AM | Author: Health and Fitnessa

Coconut Oil is a great addition to a healthy lifestyle change When purchasing coconut oil, look for unrefined, organic, virgin types. When i found mine, it was not located next to regular vegetable oil so ask an employee or look in the health section. To read all the benefits, simply google 'Coconut oil benefits'

Author: hawaii8087
Keywords: "weight loss" "coconut oil" "coconut oil benefits" "saturated fats" "healthy fats" "weight loss supplement"
Added: December 20, 2008

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On December 22, 2008 at 10:37 AM , kevin said...

Virgin coconut oil also makes an excellent pre-workout energy source. I mix a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil into a glass of hot water. The hot water rapidly dissolves the oil and you can drink it before going to the gym. I find it gives a sustained energy source throughout my workout.